In the development of UV LED curing technology, the temperature rise of the irradiated object has always been a concern. In response to the reasons for the elevated working surface temperature of the irradiated object, UV...
The UV LED curing system is increasingly used in various industrial curing applications, thanks to the continuous advancement of the technology and the maturation of cooperation between industries.
The core technology of ...
As the technology continues to advance, the industry's understanding of UV LED curing inks has increased, but the exact relationship between the two remains unclear. Today, we will take a closer look at the impact and rel...
In the inkjet printing industry, the evolution of UV LED technology has brought significant changes and breakthroughs. Before 2008, mercury lamp inkjet printers were already available on the market. However, at this stage...
In the printing industry, UV LED curing technology is gaining attention as an innovative method. This technology provides instant curing, minimizes dot gain, and can successfully print on a variety of materials.
There are...
UV curing technology has revolutionized the printing industry, offering faster curing times, increased productivity and reduced energy consumption. However, the presence of oxygen during the curing process can have a sign...
UV LED lamp as a common light source, its curing principle refers to UV inks after UV irradiation is triggered by the photoinitiator, thus generating free radicals or ions. These free radicals or ions and pre-polymers or ...
UV LED technology has revolutionized the printing industry in recent years and is becoming increasingly popular as it offers many advantages over conventional curing systems. To ensure optimal performance of UV LED lamps,...
This article focuses on the analysis of the radiators currently used by UV LEDs, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of different types of radiators.
In recent years, the development and power incr...
The emergence of UV LED technology has revolutionized various industries, making UV LED lamps the preferred choice for numerous applications. This article delves into its history and impact on the North American market.
This article will explore the historical development of UV LED market and printing curing in different countries across Asia, specifically focusing on Japan, South Korea, China and India.
As more and more coun...
This article mainly analyzes the historical development of the European UV LED curing market as well as subsequent technological breakthroughs and market prosperity.
With the increase in continuous advancement...